Monday, October 03, 2005

Bath time isn't really all it's cracked up to be

Okay, so everyone needs a bath. Did they really need to take a picture of it???

Okay, so I always get a treat after the bath.. I think that is why I let them bathe me.

Halloween is coming again

I was living quietly in my house on the farm when one night there was this terrible noise! When my family went outside to see what was a miss.. they came back with these photos!!

No wonder I was scared!!!
A RACCOON on the side of our HOUSE!!!

Normally this would be all about me, but you might not ever had the chance to see a real live raccoon, so I'll show you mine.

Do you see his beady eyes??? He makes weird noises too!

Life on the farm, just never know what's coming to visit!

See ya again, really soon.

Book Mark this site and visit me again...

I have to sleep a lot so I can grow!!!

Have you ever seen a cat smile?

This is a pic of Me and my brother, Chuck. He was named Charlemagne. We love playing with Savannah. She knows just how to keep a kitty happy!

This is Maxfield Hensley Williford Hawkins

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Max was born on Sept 11, 2002. He was a gift to the world. He was born to a REAL BLONDE mother and a traveling father. We think we may have seen the dad at least once. He was a really LARGE cat. Max has really grown into one of the family. He's a big cat in all the senses of the word.

I hope you enjoy reading about him and watching him just be MAX.